プロ英語講師による英作文添削 vol.11「Happiness and Money」

英作文添削 Vol.11


Happiness and Money

Happy and Money

Happiness and Money

The money is absolutely necessary for our life and the situation where the one is not enough to need is never good.
Money is absolutely necessary for our lives, and not having enough money is never a good situation.

・our lives:複数形にしてあげるとGOODです◎

To be honest, I also want to have a lot of money and I think about money every day.

→OK! I feel you … 💡

However, I think that we should separate we are feeling happy from situation of having a lot of money.

↓ 少しシンプルに言い換えます💡

However, I think that having a lot of money and being happy are two separate issues.



However, I think that we should separate ourselves from the situation of having a lot of money and being happy.

・Separate A from 〜:Aを〜から区別する、という表現です💡

Although rich, there is a person who suffer as much as kill themselves.

Although some people are rich, they still suffer so much that they take their own lives.

・すこし遠回しな表現ですが、take their own lives:自ら命を断つ、という表現になります(kill oneselfでもOKです)

On the other hand, although not so rich, there is a person who enjoy every day smiling.

On the other hand, although they are not so rich, there are some people who enjoy every day smiling.
・過ごせている人(何人かいる想定)=people にしています💡

It is impossible to prove which is happier, a billionaire like Bill Gates or common people who is not rich like me.

It is impossible to prove which is happier, a billionaire like Bill Gates or common people who are not rich enough like me.

・rich enough と言ってあげると、「そこまで豊かではない」=日本語で言うところの一般的だけと裕福ではない、ところの表現に相当するかと思いました💡

If you feel happy you should feel it with what you believe in and you shouldn’t feel it with external standards.


Happiness is something you perceive subjectively, not something that can be measured by objective standards.

・主観的=subjective / 客観的=objectiveと使います💡

※文章の作りは、Sは〜だ、・・・ではない、という文構造になっています(A is … , not —)

subjectively / [副詞] 主観的に

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