プロ英語講師による英作文添削 vol.4「Trip Changes Life」

英作文添削 Vol.4


Trip Changes Life

I departed for Thailand again, within less than a year since my first trip to there.

I departed for Thailand again, within less than a year since my first trip there.

→my first trip there:there の時は前置詞は不要です💡

I suddenly recalled the sense of elation that I had experienced on Khaosan Road, and felt the desire to revisit Bangkok.

→OK! now you’re into Bangkok! (添削なし)

On my second trip to Thailand, I had visited some famous tourist spots, strolled along the city, and enjoyed local food in Bangkok.

On my second trip to Thailand, I visited some famous tourist spots, strolled along the city, and enjoyed local food in Bangkok.

→I visted(ここは過去形でOKです💡)

While strolling through the city, I saw a foreign programmer working on laptop at a cafe that I entered by chance.

While strolling through the city, I saw a foreign programmer working on his laptop at a cafe that I entered by chance.

→working on his(her) laptop

Seeing him come to Thailand from a foreign country and working only a laptop, left a strong impression on me.

Seeing him come to Thailand from abroad and work with just a laptop made a strong impression
on me.


Several years have passed since then, I am also working on a freelance programmer now.

Several years have passed since then, and I am also working as a freelance programmer now.

・フリーランスプログラマとして:as を使うとGOODです◎

I think that him back then made me what I am today.

I think he made me what I am today because I admired him then.

・him back thenの部分が文法的に違和感があるので、heに置き換え、 because以下に「彼にそのとき憧れていたから」としています✨

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