プロ英語講師による英作文添削 vol.10「Working as a Software Engineer」

英作文添削 Vol.10


Working as a Software Engineer

Fascinating of working as a software engineer is things that created by myself work on internet or computer and I feel growing up as I made an effort.
The fascinating part of working as a software engineer is seeing the things I create work on the internet or on a computer, and feeling my own growth as I make an effort.

・成長を感じる:my own growth(私自身の成長=名詞で使っています✨)

It is fun to learn new things, on the other hand technology advances so rapidly that it is tough to study to keep pace with it.

It is fun to learn new things, on the other hand, the technology advances so rapidly that it is tough to study to keep the pace with it.

technology advances
→ 文章の中で明確に

In my opinion, people who can absorb in something or challenging without boring is cut out for this job and it’s the same for me.

In my opinion, people who can be absorbed in something or challenge themselves without being bored are cut out for this job and it’s the same for me.

・受動態として使用するなら be absorbed in ~
・without being bored:自分自身がつまらなくなる=受動態にしてあげるとGOOD!

In my opinion
→ 文章の中で強く出す

→ 真ん中のRの発音を意識

→ 単語の前にアクセントをかける

cut out for
→ カタカナ発音で「カレアウッ」のような感じ

People think it seems that engineer is always into coding, but actually we spend too much time on meeting with a client and create any kind of document which need for project advance.

People think it seems that engineers are always into coding, but actually we spend too much time on meeting with a client and creating any kind of document which is needed for project advancement.

・engineers are :何人もいるので複数形にしましょう◎
・creating:too much time onにつながるので、ing形にしてあげるとGOODです◎
・for 名詞句=project advancement(名詞化しています◎)

In fact, coding is just a part of whole job.

In fact, coding is just a part of the whole job.

As engineer can choose way of working flexible, there are not only working for a company but also many people working as freelance like me.

As engineers can choose a flexible way of working, there are not only working for a company but also many people working as freelancers like me.
・a flexible way of working:柔軟な方法での働き方(語順を入替えました◎)

→ 日本語の「フリーランス」の発音のニュアンスで「フリーランサー」

One of the reasons why I working as freelance is able to more expand width of technique as engineer than working for just a company.

One of the reasons why I am working as a freelancer is being able to expand the width of technique as an engineer rather than working for just a company.

・ここはas a freelancer(人物化する名詞)にしています◎
・rather than:〜というよりもむしろ・・・という表現がここには適してるかと思います🤓💡

However, working as freelancer has disadvantages.

However, working as a freelancer has disadvantages.

There is not guarantee and income is unstable than working for a company.

They are not guaranteed and income is more unstable than people (who are) working for a company.

Moreover, more efficiency and self-management are required for it.

→ シー でなく、スィー

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