プロ英語講師による英作文添削 vol.14「Reading Makes Me Happy」

英作文添削 Vol.14


Reading Makes Me Happy

Reading book has become one of fun things for me for a few years.

Reading books has become one of my hobbies for the past few years.

・fun things for me = my hobbyと言い換えています◎
・for the past few years:過去何年間=数年前からの言い換えになります✨

Especially I like books about motivation and mental and I’ll be able to expand sight and get a new realize when I read them.

Especially I like books about motivation and mental health, and I’ll be able to expand my sight and get a new realization when I read them.

・メンタル=英語だとmental healthまで一緒に言ってあげるとGOODです◎
・ , を入れているのは、文章が何処で区切れるかよりわかりやすくするために入れています💡
・a new realization:形容詞+名詞なので、ここは名詞の形に変えました!


In addition, I have a lot of books about software for my work, but there are quite a few that I haven’t finished reading yet or that I have hardly read since I bought them.

→OK! (添削なし)

I haven’t decided how many reading books for a week and I always find myself reading.

I haven’t decided how many books I read in a week, but I always find myself reading.

・How many books SV:何冊〇〇する、と言う表現です✨

I think that it is enough to read as long as I read what I need if I can’t read all of it.

I think that it is enough to read as long as I read what I need even though I can’t read all of it.
・even though:例え〇〇だったとしても(否定的な表現)、というニュアンスを出しています✨

I get rid of books that I don’t read any more because I think it is better to have fewer possessions for comfortable life.

I dispose of the books that I don’t read any more because I think it is better to have fewer possessions for a comfortable life.

・get rid of = remove = 除去、取り除く、のニュアンスが有るので、「処分する」のニュアンスを出すためにdispose of を使っています◎

it’s better to ~ 「〜した方がいい」


I’m also using E-book because it doesn’t take up space and easy to carry but, I think that in the case of the book what you want to read seriously you should take a paper book.

I’m also using e-books because they don’t take up space and ※are easy to carry, but I think that for books you want to read seriously, a paper book is better.

※ 2回目の主語 (they) を省略

・whatはthatで言い換え、省略しているので、books you want 〜としています◎
・〜のほうがいいな: a paper book is betterと主語を紙の本にして書き換えました!

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